Pro Bono
I am a co-founder of Living Voices (Dalla Viva Voce), an NGO that helps ex-prisoners transition back to society. We mainly operate in Italy.
One of the things we do is to run a series of theatre performances for the sake of raising social awareness about prison issues.
Another thing we do is to offer a room to ex-prisoners in our Start-Over-House (Una Casa Per Ripartire). Our goal is to help them restart their lives and integrate back into society. At the moment, the house is full of nerds: everyone is continuing the studies they began while in prison.
Recently, we also opened a second-hand shop where some ex-prisoners can get a job and work together with volunteers. Yet another project of ours, still in the making, is that of a collection of writings describing the lives of people who are currently in a prison cell.
In summers, I teach political and social philosophy at Trento's prison.
Until 2016, I was a project leader and coordinator at Oxford Microfinance Initiative (OMI), consulting pro bono for microfinance institutions that promise to make a positive impact on society.
My favourite project at OMI?
An impact assessment for the Women Global Empowerment Fund (WGEF), a non-profit organization which adopts a holistic approach to microfinance. WGEF does not only offer micro-loans to women in Northern Uganda, but combines this with free literacy and leadership courses, health education, and other services. It turns out that this method is particularly effective and there is reason to adopt them in microfinance more generally. You can donate to WGEF here.