Academic Writing
(forth). Technical Knowledge as Scientific Knowledge in Aristotle (with Carlotta Pavese). Phronesis.
(2019). Disposition Ascriptions. Philosophical Studies.
(2019). Running for Power: The ‘Spectrum Concept’ of Fascism. Times Literary Supplement.
(2011). Counterfactuals, Overdetermination, and Mental Causation. Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society.
Book Project
(in progress) Aristotle's Metaphysics of Modality
Papers in Progress
I have several papers in progress. They cover topics in ancient philosophy, metaphysics, semantics, social philosophy, and feminist philosophy. Current drafts include:
Powers as Causes (presented at the Berlin Centre of Human Abilities in the summer of 2023, at the Bristol conference ‘Dispositions and Powers’ in April 2023).
Active Powers in Aristotle
Modals and Copulas in Aristotle
Causal Language
Philosophy from a First-Generation Perspective (with Daniel James)
Powers in Hume
Please do cite my views if you rely on them after attending a talk or reading a draft of mine.
DPhil Dissertation
(2017). Aristotle on Necessity and Efficient Causation. D.Phil Dissertation, Oxford University.
Public Writing
(2022). No Limit to Goodness. Remembering Sarah Broadie. Daily Nous.
(2017). Teaching Citizenship in Prison / Insegnando Cittadinanza in Carcere (with Paolo Banfi). Ristretti Orizzonti. [Followed-up by our students - English/Italian]
(2017). 3 Significant Ways Refugees Are Helping the Italian Economy Thrive. The Tempest.
(2017). Trump Meets Socrates. (They Talk about Women.) Daily Nous.
(2016). Donald Trump's Victory Shows Why We Need Philosophy Students More than Ever (with David Egan). Times Higher Education.
(2016). What Rome's Election of Its First Female Mayor Says about Women in Italian Politics. Fortune.
(2013). The Rise of Women in Italian Politics. OpenDemocracy.